What does make an ED visit ‘good’ for our patients and their carers or families? Is it the factors we think should make a visit good- quick service, friendly and knowledgeable staff, or do our patients see things differently?
Monthly LearnED Meeting - All welcome! #learnED
Last Gasp Effort
The NHS at it's best, Elma retired today having started in "Casualty" in 1969
Elma was there on my first day, and the first day of almost everyone in the ED team celebrating her retirement today. She has the unique talent of making a 3am attempt at dictating patient notes turn, from 500 words of drivel, into a succinct summary and top it off with a management plan to match. Many a night shift has been saved by Elma's arrival. Her calming presence in the ED will be sorely missed.
Good Luck Elma! We'll miss you.