Easter update from Andy Currie

“We have been running the “One Patient Pathway” for a full month now and it seems to be bedding in very nicely- Our performance has highlighted some excellent work being done within the Department- in particular for the full week commencing 14th April 95.1% of all patients achieved the 4 hour standard, we are consistently seeing 95%+ of ambulant patients discharged from the site within 4 hours- in one instance ((5th April) 100% was achieved!! It’s also highlighting some areas for improvement- time to bed available and discharges to admissions- which are being escalated to Site Management.

Feedback from the floor has been very positive and there is a feeling that the other areas within the Department are seeing the benefits of the pathway with more controlled flow through the ED. We are very keen to have your feedback and suggestions for continued improvements and have now set up a weekly “level 2” meeting to debrief performance and highlight 2 areas of focus for the week ahead- please feed in your thoughts to Neil/Dave and they can be included in this discussion.

We will be running the staff survey again in May across the ED- we are keen to get your thoughts and compare the results with those ran last autumn. We are looking to write up the project and this would form part of the overall results achieved- please take the time to fill it in.

You will also see how we have fared this Easter compared to last Easter.  We have seen more patients (increase of 13%) with better performance against the 4hr standard (by an amazing 17%).  This is a fantastic achievement.

A huge Thank You and a big well done for all your hard work to date!