Edinburgh ED Blood Project

Current Projects


National Code Red Audit

The Edinburgh ED Blood Project group is leading this national audit on behalf of the Scottish Transfusion and Laboratory Support in Trauma Group.
The aim of the audit is to monitor and optimise the transfusion support given to patients following major trauma in Scotland.

ED Blood Use

The Edinburgh ED Blood Project group is continuously auditing our blood use in order to improve our ED emergency transfusion practice. We also audit how much of each product type (e.g. Concentrated Red Cells, FFP and platelets) is used, wasted and recycled)

ROTEM and TEG in the ED

The Edinburgh ED Blood Project group are involved in establising how thromboelstography and thromboeleastometry tests such as TEG an ROTEM may be able to be used to help patients at risk of coagulopathy after massive transfusion in the RIE ED.

HALT-IT study

HALT-IT is an NIHR UK CRN portfolio international, randomised, double blind placebo controlled trial, the aim of which is to evidence whether early administration of TXA reduces mortality and other clinical outcomes in patients with significant acute GI bleeding. 
We started patient recruitment in August 2013 and have recruited 82 patients so far (as of 20th August 2015). 

Rejected Sample Audit

Following implementation of the zero tolerance policy by SNBTS, the Edinburgh ED Blood Project group is auditing the RIE ED rejected transfusion requests in order to improve the quality and safety of blood transfusion requesting by medical and nursing staff in the RIE ED.

Pre-hospital Blood

The Edinburgh ED Blood Project group is currently involved in this project which is aiming to introduce a pre-hospital transfusion capability to Medic One, our pre-hospital service. This project involves changes to the way that blood in our ED is stored, transported, transfused and warmed.

Massive Haemorrhage Simulation

As part of our ED simulation programme, a module on the management of the patient with massive haemorrhage has been introduced in order to improve teamwork and of use equipment such as massive infusino devices, when ED medical and nursing staff are faced with a bleeding patient in the ED.

Fibrinogen Concentrate in Trauma study

We have been selected as one of 3 trauma centres to take part in this UK multi-centre RCT study evaluating the effects of early administration of fibrinogen concentrate in major traumatic haemorrhage.
We aim to recruit 5-10 patients over the 18-month study period which is due to start in October 2015.