“This year I solemnly swear to keep up to date with the latest in EM literature......”
Thankfully this year the wonderful team from @HEFTEMCAST are here to make that promise a little easier to keep. A new feature gives us a monthly summary of the most recent EM relevant journal articles with a little bit of critical appraisal along the way.
You can listen to the podcast below, but far better is to subscribe to the podcast (itunes/pocketcasts etc) and check out the website for a written summary.
Finally theres LOADS more out there in the #FOAMed world to make keeping up to date a breeze. Blogs and podcasts, get 'em on your feed reader or follow on twitter to get the latest EM research brought to your phone or tablet. Easy.
Here's a recommended list: Life in the fast lane Research & Reviews, EM Literature of Note, Annals of EM Audio Summary, St Emlyn's Journal Club, The Bottom Line, the Skeptics Guide to EM, and EM Nerd.......actually theres loads more but I have to stop somewhere!
Happy 2016!!