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Novel Oral Anti Coagulants Explained, via stemlynsblog.org

Excellent summary of the Basics (part 1) and in more depth (part 2) from the stemlyns team. 

Get the NOAC Knowhow: Novel Oral Anticoagulants Part 1
Richard Body & Kerstin de Wit
New (or are they really new) Oral Anticoagulants and the Emergency Physician PART 2
Richard Body & Kerstin de Wit

Find LOADS more notes and discussion on http://stemlynsblog.org/get-noac-knowhow-novel-oral-anticoagulants-part-1/ and http://www.stemlynspodcast.org/e/noacs-part-2/

Search for stemlyns in itunes or your podcast manager to download to your phone/tablet etc.